The Gates Mills Land Conservancy is a private, non-profit, tax-exempt membership organization whose mission is to permanently preserve and steward the woodlands, fields, wetlands, and fresh water streams that make Gates Mills a beautiful place to live for us and for the abundant birds and wildlife that also call the Village home. We operate as an effective and vibrant all-volunteer organization, deigned and charged to preserve open land through the purchase of land or through the issuance of a conservation easement. There is a range of options available for landowners today which are outlined on the FAQs page of this site.
Current Board Members
Jamie Carracher, President
Nathaniel T. Smith, Vice President
Cynthia K. Zins, Treasurer
Diane Kennedy, Secretary
Mitch Bass
Alex Bercheck
Scott Broome
David A. Butz, Honorary
Phil Campanella
Daniel R. Collister, Honorary
Anthoni Fazio
John R. Kozak
Tom Liederbach, Honorary
Anne Marchetto
Nancy McGuinnis
Celeste McClung
Sandra Turner
Leah Whidden
Peter Wiest
About the Board
The Articles of Incorporation (September 1988) and the Code of Regulations (as amended September 16, 2009) establish the overall organization and operating philosophy of Gates Mills Land Conservancy.
The Board of Directors has the legal, fiduciary and ethical responsibility to ensure that the organization meets any governing legal requirements and operates in accordance with its mission. As safeguards of public trust, the board members are responsible for protecting the organization's assets and must ensure that the organization is well run. The overall goals and specific objectives are outlined in a documented Strategic Plan.
The Directors are charged with the stewardship of the "protected land" and to execute the plans for acquiring and protecting additional parcels of land for preservation throughout the Village of Gates Mills. The Board of Directors and Members of the Land Conservancy have voted to abide by the Land Trust Alliance (LTA) Standards and Practices. The Board of Directors has the fundamental responsibility for self-management and has developed the Articles of Incorporation, as a Code of Regulations and a Conflict of Interest Policy.
The Board of Directors of the Gates Mills Land Conservancy consists of 15 dedicated Village citizens, ten of whom are elected by the Conservancy membership and five appointed by the Mayor. We are fortunate to have a very diverse and talented group of individuals with a cross section of skills. Directors are elected for four-year terms and if willing, can be elected by the membership for additional four-year terms. Officers of the Gates Mills Land Conservancy are elected annually by the full Board of Directors, for one-year terms. The Officers include President, one or more Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board meets monthly.
The entire membership is invited and encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting and Dinner, at which time the Officers report on the state of the Land Conservancy and its overall progress.